

Chemwatch is our preferred supplier for safety information of chemical substances.

Chemwatch was established in 1989 and offers safety data for over 800,000 chemical substances in 47 languages.

We retrieve information from the Chemwatch database via a web service based on CAS no. We show the resulting data points in our own lay-out in the Lab Servant as a Substance sheet, including H&P phrases, GHS symbols, ADR, CMR indication, full MSDS, a one-page safety data sheet and various physical/chemical characteristics of the substance.

The Chemwatch web service is offered at a reduced price compared to the full GoldFFX suite. Click here for all Chemwatch products offered.

Click here for all Chemwatch products offered.


SURF is the collaborative ICT organisation for Dutch education and research. SURFConext is a national layer on top of the authentication services of SURF members. It allows single sign-on with an institution’s account. We use SURFConext to allow access to the Lab Servant suite without the need to establish web services for authentication with individual institutes, using the Lab Servant. Click here for more details about SURFConext.

Click here for more details about SURFConext.